Thursday, November 4, 2010


So let me explain the reason for this blog before I start posting some things that one may hear when they're deaf. If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm deaf (I prefer the term hearing impaired), and I get the most bizarre comments. When I was younger, it used to piss me off and even though while it still annoys me, sometimes I just have to laugh. Most of the comments I got when I was younger was directed right at my deafness, because it was more obvious. However, since I've been implanted and my speech has improved significantly, I get all kinds of comments about my "accent". So I have decided to start a blog to record and share with my loved ones the most bizzare comments I get and maybe bring a lil laughter to our days, and to vent too so you may see some ugly choice of words but at least you were warned. So without further ado, here it is folks!

Most recent comment from today:
Patient: "So I have a question"
Me: "what's that?" (knowing it was going to be related to my "accent")
Patient: "Are you deaf, mute, or both?"
Me: "Well, obviously, I'm not mute if I'm talking to you"
Seriously?!?! idiot....

Another comment from earlier this week:
16 year old girl: "are you wearing a retainer?"
Me: "Am I wearing a what??"
16 yo girl: "a retainer"
16 year old girl's mom: "Brittany...hush"
At this point there's an awkward silence in the room as I'm still trying to figure out what kind of question that was....
Me: "ohhh, no, I'm hearing impaired"
16 yo girl: *gasp* OMG I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be mean, I'm so sorry"
Me: "mm hmm, okay let's go for a walk now"

Last but not least:
Patient: "Where are you from?"
Me: "Sweden"
Patient: "ohh"
I do my thing with the patient then leaving instructions for the patient on how to get back to bed. I start to leave the room and say good-bye.
This is the patient's response: "You know, you're pretty straight-forward.....but I guess that's how most of you Swedish people are"

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