Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How I became a Tater....

Sean and I met and exchanged numbers at a grad school party. We started dating. Fast forward about six months of dating, I remember a conversation I had with my mom about the relatively new guy I was dating and how he has yet to ask me about my ears, which I was pretty surprised about. My mom brought up how it seems like of all the guys I've dated, they would either look down at me as someone they had to take care of or they would put me up on this pedestal and look up at me as if I was this goddess that has conquered the world. But Sean, he treated me as an equal and never asked my ears. So that night, I decided to approach the topic. This is how it went...and yes, I remember it that vividly....

Me: "So Sean, we've been dating several months now and yet you've never asked about my ears. Are you curious about them at all?"
Sean: "what kind of questions would I ask?"
Me: "I don't know...."
There's a moment of silence so I blurted out this question...
Me: "well if things progress and we get married and have kids, there may be a slight chance that they'd be deaf too"
Sean: "well we'll just slap those ear things you have on them and they'll be fine"

For those of you who don't know, these "ear things" I have are cochlear implants that involve a six hour surgery. Regardless, I married the guy a year and half later and became a Tater.

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