Saturday, April 30, 2011

what the heck??

I spent about an hour with a brain injury patient the other day and was able to get away with any comments about my speech, accent, whatever until the very end of the session and the grown SON of the patient decides to say something. After the conversation, I had to wonder whether it was the patient or the son that had the brain injury.

Son: "so what's your problem with your speech" as he points to his mouth
Me: "the problem with my speech??" and I kinda had this insulted look on my face hoping he'd drop it
Son: He didn't get the clue and proceeded to say "yeah??"
Me: pause..."I'm from Sweden"
Son: "OHHH wow" *pause* "so wait" *pause* "do all Swedish people have speech problems?"
Me: as I give him a blank stare..."it's an accent"
Son: "oh so it's nothing to do with your...." he points to his forehead as he says this and doesn't finish his sentence

What was he thinking?? That the therapist who is treating his mother has some kind of retardation that is the source of my "speech problems"???

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Drama classes

I'm working with a patient the other day and going over the discharge instructions with her as she's getting ready to go home. She interrupted me at one point and asked me to slow down, "you're talking too fast" she says. She talks reeeaaaally slow so I'm sure my pace was super fast for her. She talks almost like a stroke patient, slow and overly enunciated speech. As we're wrapping up, I asked her if she has anymore questions.
Patient: "well this may be off subject but let me tell you something"
Me: "ok"
Patient: "when I was a little girl I used to stutter all the time, we're not really sure why but I always stuttered when I spoke, especially when I talk fast. So they put me in this drama class to help encourage me to have clearer and slower speech. It's really worked well. I haven't stuttered at all to you have I?"
Me: "no you haven't"
Patient: "may be something you want to look into...drama classes"
Me: "mmm, I'll keep that in mind"